Serving the animals of Mazatlán since 1996

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Recent Techmilenio Booth

Once more ADLA was invited to participate in the annual Techmilenio Fair as a non-profit organization.

The crowds were good, as was the food (all kinds) and the non-stop entertainment of dance troupes, singers, and musicians.

Our hardy volunteers, Billie, Alma and Pete handled set-up, sales and breakdown on Sunday, November 15th.  The final tally proved that our Boutique products are in high demand.  We did GOOD!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful event, and there is always a good turnout. Great food, and others interesting things can be found there, while helping many non profit groups of Mazatlán. It is a worthy cause and we are honored to have been invited to be a part of it.
