Serving the animals of Mazatlán since 1996

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Confusion about the Board of Directors


By Pete Betlem

During an exchange at our recent public meeting it became clear that there is confusion and perhaps misunderstandings about appointments to our Board of Directors and paid memberships.

For the record:

There are three ways in which an individual can have a vote on issues pertaining to ADLA business.

1.  Being an officer on the ADLA Board of Directors.  These positions are:

Vice President

2.  Being a Vocal on the ADLA Board of Directors.  This is a voting position without the legal liabilities that may accompany being an Officer.

3.  Being a paid member in good standing.  While a membership is not a Board of Directors position, it does allow an individual to attend General Meetings and vote on issues at hand.

First, how does one become an Officer or Vocal on the Board of Directors?

These positions are obtained by invitation only and a majority of Board votes to accept you on the Board.  Invitations to join the Board can come from any current Board Officer, usually after prior consultation with other Board members.

How does one become a member with voting rights?

During the month of January ADLA accepts membership applications and payment of an annual fee (currently 1200 pesos) from individuals known to be in general accord with the principals of ADLA.  This membership allows you to sit in on General Meetings, express your thoughts and vote.

Under ideal conditions there exists a large membership base from which the Board of Directors may find future candidates for Board positions.  In the absence of members, the Board of Directors makes note of those volunteers that contribute substantially to the well-being of the Shelter.  Through their efforts and dedication to the Shelter they become good candidates for invitation to the Board.  Additionally, the Board looks for leadership qualities in those individuals in the hopes that they will "move up the line" as they progress through positions on the Board.  They also look for individuals that they feel will be compatible with other members of the Board and have an attitude towards animals that aligns with the Shelter's policies.

Some would argue that having a position on the Board of Directors is simply a way to avoid paying the membership fee and subsequently the right to vote and therefore, somehow unfair.

It should be noted that Board Members contribute far more in the way of time (and yes, financial contributions) than the mere 1200 pesos that a membership costs.  Ask any Board Officer or Vocal if their life would be easier if their only involvement was a payment equivalent to 100 pesos per month. Without exception they would say yes but for them it is not just about voting and certainly not about the money.  It is much more about rolling up their sleeves and performing the myriad of tasks that are required to physically operate the Shelter.  They are totally dedicated to the success of ADLA.

Perhaps you are also dedicated to the success of ADLA but simply do not have the ability to give of your time.  A paid membership is the easiest way to stay involved and have the opportunity to express yourself with your vote.

At what level of involvement are you willing to participate?

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